You get 60 seconds for Makeup: What Do You Do?

My mascara jam for the past few months, Laura Mercier Caviar
Do you swipe on blush? brush up your brows? I’m curious to hear what you would do if you were completely pressed for time.

I used to know a girl when I was doing theater who’s “quick and dirty” version of 60-second makeup was black liner on her water lines and loads of mascara. another pal of mine did a swipe of red lipstick — and that was it! (She looked wonderful in it, by the way.)


For me, it’s my lash curler and mascara, and the mascara has BRING IT. I’m talking length, volume, curl, everything. Gimme all the drama, please. (Here’s my current go-to.)

If there’s any extra time in that minute, then I’ll either 1) run a clear brow gel through my brows, or 2) blend cream blush onto my cheeks.

তোমার কী অবস্থা? If you had only 60 seconds to do your makeup, what would you do?


আপনার বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ প্রতিবেশী কবজ আসক্তি,


পুনশ্চ. TGIF!

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